Tuesday, 29 April 2014

Almost Copping Out

So I didn't do that much better this month in terms of blog writing. In my defence I have been really, really ill. But, since I'm pretty convinced that nobody reads my blog anyway, I have no one to disappoint but myself. Therefore, here's a list of more 101/1001 goals. These are some that I am in the process of completing:

- Take 5 random fiction books out of the library and read them
(I've done 3, one was "The Peerless Four" by Victoria Patterson, I recommend it)

- Choose 10 countries and read a book by an author from each
(I've done 6, I won't list all the books, but the countries I've covered are: Guadeloupe, Iceland, Zimbabwe, Sudan, the Cree Nation of Canada, Italy)

- Watch 5 different movies from 5 different countries
(I've done 3, fave so far was "In Darkness" from Poland)

- Try 5 new local restaurants
(I've done 3, hi-light so far was The Falafal Place - yummy, healthy, gluten free and paleo friendly!)

- Make 5 phone calls I would rather not make
(I've done 2, one was private and one was to the dentist - hadn't gone in over 6 years and finally got over my fear and went…and survived!)

- Go to 5 auditions
(Went to 1, didn't get the part but gotta keep trying)

Well that's about it for now. In closing here's a picture of a cat I love, because he's the cutest little creature ever.

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