Wednesday, 29 October 2014

Racing to the Finish!

So this blog didn't exactly turn out how I envisioned. Originally I wanted it to be a place where I discussed First Nations issues. But since I do that every day at work, I think that goal kind of fell by the wayside. The blog did kind of morph into a 101/1001 update page. But I didn't even keep up with that consistently. I guess, maybe, I'm just not meant to be a blog writer. Yet, I do want to finish the goal of "writing in my blog at least once a month for a year." And thankfully that will be accomplished with this post. Hooray!!! LOL I accomplished something.

I probably won't write much more on the Docs & Moccs page. Yet I DO hope to eventually find a blog topic that I can be passionate enough about to keep writing about it. Work and school take up so much of my writing time at the moment, that I don't quite know if that's possible.

However, I did accomplish another goal this month that I want to brag about - I ran a 5k race! This is huge for me because I have so many negative voices in my head telling me I am too much of a failure to do a thing like that…but I did it! So to negativity I say, "SUCK IT!" I did it. And I have the Finisher Medal to prove it. I guess if I can impart anything to any reader of this page it would be to never believe that you can't do something, because you CAN!! xo
WFPS Finisher Medal! :) 

Wednesday, 8 October 2014

2 More Months!

In order to complete my 101/1001 dayzero goal of writing in my blog every month for a year, I must write two this month (since I missed Sept.).
I guess it's kind of a cop out/cheat?, but I do want to complete the goal. Therefore, for the first of two posts in Oct. I'm going to share some photos. I'm trying to finish an album entitled, 104 Things to Photograph. This is what the album looks like - spread and cover:
There is a HUGE variety of topics such as: what's in your pocket, a vacant lot, a flock of birds, shoelaces tied together, half full, a reflection etc. etc.
It's been quite a fun project to work on and, to date, I have completed 69 "things." For this second to last yearly blog post, which was supposed to be published in September!, I thought I'd share a few of my 104 album photos. Hope you enjoy.



"A yellow traffic light" (five in a row here)

"Messy wires"

"A winner" (or, "Winners" - the Wpg Jets)

"Neon sign" (Sagkeeng First Nation)

Wednesday, 3 September 2014

On Reducing my Suckage Footprint

Recently my best friend and I were talking about Winnipeg. A city one either loves or hates with no in between. I fall firmly in the latter category. It’s tacky, it’s falling apart, the drivers are the worst in the world and in my opinion, it sucks. My friend is also not a fan; however, she had some pretty interesting, alternative insights. 

Heading into downtown Wpg.
Technically, a city by itself can’t suck. It can be big or small, have a high or low population but a collection of buildings, sidewalks, trees, fences, can’t actually suck. If someone says a city sucks, the reality is it is the people within it who suck. And, since both my friend and I live in Winnipeg we are, in part, responsible for the suckage. Therefore, we must take some of the blame for the lameness of our city and, perhaps, try to do something to reverse the impact of our suckage.

The thing I hate the most about Winnipeg? The drivers. Solution? Take the bus. It reduces my anger, makes me friendlier toward my fellow Winnipegger and in turn, reduces the amount that I suck.

People often complain there’s nothing to do here. Solution? Take a class, join a choir, find a trivia night, try a new restaurant, there’s always something to do. And my friend and I decided that we would find community-based things to become involved with, thus lessening the amount we suck. (I've already accomplished this by accepting a role in a community theatre production. Yay! I don't suck as much!)

Think Winnipeg is ugly or tacky? Look at things anew by starting a photo blog. My friend did this and is finding the most beautiful images amongst the seemingly sucky mundane. 

So there are options. And perhaps, together we can all reduce our suckage footprint.

You never know what you'll find if you just explore

Wednesday, 30 July 2014

Winnipeg Fringe Festival: My Top 10

The cast of This Is a Play
Well, I'm down to the wire on my blog again. Eeeek. Thankfully I have a very recent topic to pontificate about…or at least write a lame Top 10 list about. The Winnipeg Fringe Festival. I was just involved in this beast of an event – as actor, producer (This Is a Play) and patron - so for this blog post I decided to do a completely random Top 10 list of fringy observations:

1)   The best show I saw, besides my show of course, was Hell to Pay by The Beast with Three Backs. Creative, energetic, physical, raunchy, it was an original adaptation of The Devil and Billy Markham and it had everything.

2)  I’m not going to name the worst show I saw, but all I can say is: if you are an amateur performer that is no excuse for an amateur looking show. Your audience deserves the absolute best you can create. They paid good money to see lame choreography and sloppy attention to details? Shame.

3) You get WAY more wine for less money in the Beer Tent then at the MTC Warehouse bar.

Pre-show. Venue 2
4) The best blog out there about the Winnipeg Fringe (or any Fringe for that matter) is Diary of a Fringe Tech. Written by my very own Venue 2 tech, JBJ.

5) No matter how many times you hear or say it: low or high star reviews do not mean low or high quality shows. Sometimes it does. Sometimes it doesn’t. CBC gave Now that Communism is Dead My Life Feels Empty 1 star, I would have given it 4. So please don't let the stars influence you.

6) That awkward moment when, while watching a show, the person sitting next to you starts snoring. All I can recommend is, try to give them a knee nudge without making it seem like you gave them a knee nudge. Or hope and pray the actors on stage will yell, thus waking the person up.

7)  If possible, check out a late, late show. Ours (at 10:45pm) was quite "unintentionally inventive”. I’m sure other companies use it as an excuse to get a little creative as well.

Granna. 92 years young
8) Don’t know if there’s a stat on the most elderly Fringe patron, but my 92 year old grandma came to see my show so I’m giving her the prize.

9) The only negative thing I experienced was getting said 92 year old grandma into the theatre. There was wheelchair accessibility to Venue 2, but it was awkward and, ironically, almost inaccessible and no one on the volunteer side knew what to do, how to do it, or even seemed like they wanted to do it. Get with it Fringe! Please make it easier for physically challenged people to see the shows.

10) All the hard work is absolutely, 100% worth it! There’s nothing in the world like performing in or going to the Winnipeg Fringe...Until next year!

Tuesday, 17 June 2014

I'm Awesome Cuz [he/she] Followed Me on Twitter

The problem is, we look for affirmation on social media.

Today, a person’s life is made if a celebrity - A to D to reality star level - follows them on Instagram. I see people begging for this or that person to “follow” or “like” them. They need that recognition. They’re desperate for it. It is what gives them…purpose? Really??
My stepson is 7 years old. Too young for social media (even though I do know 7 year olds who have Facebook accounts). And I know it’s coming. Right now he gets his affirmation from his parents!!, his friends, his relatives, his teachers, where it should be coming from. Not from a nameless, inanimate, thing. My husband and I are not on Facebook, so I’m hoping that will deter my stepson from it for a bit longer (fingers and toes crossed). However, we are on Twitter and Instagram, and I admit that I do love/hate that adrenaline rush I get when someone mildly famous “favourites” something I write about/to them. But why does it matter so much?? 
A favourite star from Lea DeLaria.
Who cares? She doesn't.
I should get that lift when my husband kisses me goodnight, when my mom throws her arms open for a hug, when my dad teases me, when my sister holds her cat up to the webcam during a Skype talk.
What has happened to me? To this society? Why is a favourite star more important than a kind word from a best friend??

The problem is, we look for affirmation on social media. And maybe the even bigger problem is, that’s where we now expect it to come from.

Wednesday, 28 May 2014

So they Killed Bill C-33. Now what????

I follow the Treaty Commissioner of Manitoba on Twitter. His name is Jamie Wilson and I greatly repsect his ideas and opinions. Look him up and read his writings!
Today I saw this tweet from him: “Where do we go from here? First Nations schools are still underfunded, and still governed by no laws.” And all I could do was agree, and turn to my blog to try to sort out my thoughts. 

MB First Nations Science Fair
Here’s things as I see them, Ottawa has been trying to push through Bill C-33, the First Nations Control of First Nations Education Act. With the recent resignation of National Chief Shawn Atleo (who supported the Bill), the Assembly of First Nations held a meeting yesterday and voted to reject the Bill. As far as I understand, they say that it is a patriarchal, top-down, colonial tool that seeks to only further oppress First Nations, forcing them to agree that the “white father knows best” in order to get any increased education funding. I haven’t read enough of the Bill in detail to either agree or disagree with this, but if Canada/First Nations history is any indication, some of this opinion has merit.
Yet, I do sometimes think that this is the automatic, go-to response from First Nations Chiefs. 

It is true that First Nations schools are drastically underfunded compared with the rest of Canada, and this in itself is a tragic colonial legacy. I work with First Nations schools in Manitoba, and I have to note that even though underfunded, many of them are doing an amazing job with what they have. I've met inspiring teachers and successful students. I get angry that it's so difficult for these schools to get the resources they need. I feel like these teachers and students are the people who should have been at the AFN meeting yesterday. And they are the ones who Ottawa should be listening to.
Teacher, Liz Gray does amazing work
at Sagkeeng High School
But I’s what I can’t wrap my head around: no matter what you think about Canada/First Nations relations, the current system and level of funding is NOT working and hasn’t been for a very, very long time. All you have to do is look at the drop out rates and high school graduation stats to know this. Something needs to be done. From what I understand, the Chiefs are saying that if they just had more money, if the government would just leave them alone, things would get fixed. (I would so love for this to be true, so if that has ever been accomplished and worked on any reserve somewhere PLEASE LET ME KNOW!) 

Regardless of all that, after all the bickering and grand-standing, now that the Bill is dead you know what’s going to happen? NOTHING! Canada will either eventually push through some kind of Bill anyway, or do jack all. I suspect it will be the latter. First Nations schools will remain underfunded, students will continue to drop out, people will continue to argue and bicker and say “this” or “that” is what is needed, but nothing will ever change!! And that is the worst thing of all. I’m not saying that the Bill was the answer, but it was something. Canada is never going to hand over billions to First Nations for education and then just walk away. And, as far as I can tell, First Nations are never going to be content with what Canada offers. So things will remain the same, and THAT is the most tragic thing of all. And it makes me angry and it makes me feel hopeless so I have to write about it. Ekosi.

Tuesday, 29 April 2014

Almost Copping Out

So I didn't do that much better this month in terms of blog writing. In my defence I have been really, really ill. But, since I'm pretty convinced that nobody reads my blog anyway, I have no one to disappoint but myself. Therefore, here's a list of more 101/1001 goals. These are some that I am in the process of completing:

- Take 5 random fiction books out of the library and read them
(I've done 3, one was "The Peerless Four" by Victoria Patterson, I recommend it)

- Choose 10 countries and read a book by an author from each
(I've done 6, I won't list all the books, but the countries I've covered are: Guadeloupe, Iceland, Zimbabwe, Sudan, the Cree Nation of Canada, Italy)

- Watch 5 different movies from 5 different countries
(I've done 3, fave so far was "In Darkness" from Poland)

- Try 5 new local restaurants
(I've done 3, hi-light so far was The Falafal Place - yummy, healthy, gluten free and paleo friendly!)

- Make 5 phone calls I would rather not make
(I've done 2, one was private and one was to the dentist - hadn't gone in over 6 years and finally got over my fear and went…and survived!)

- Go to 5 auditions
(Went to 1, didn't get the part but gotta keep trying)

Well that's about it for now. In closing here's a picture of a cat I love, because he's the cutest little creature ever.

Monday, 31 March 2014

Copping Out

As the Web Content Writer for, one of the things I do is write a blog.
One of my 101/1001 goals is to write in my own, personal blog at least once a month for a year.
It's the last day of March and I haven't written anything this month.
So I'm going to post a link to my work blog and invite you to read that.
It's a cop out I know.

I'll do better next month.
Thanks for visiting!
(I'm so curious if anyone actually visits.)
Here's the link:

Tuesday, 25 February 2014

More goals completed!

Yesterday my hubby and I completed the "whole30" challenge that we set for ourselves on Jan. 19. The goal was to eat only natural, non-processed, non-packaged, non-artificialized food. Also, no dairy, no sugar, no bread and no alcohol. It's very similar to the Paleo diet. And, since we both wanted to lose weight and feel healthier, we decided to try it.
Sample whole30 meal

Yes, Jan. 19 was more than 30 days ago. We ended up cheating when we went for a vacation to Texas (we just couldn't pass up cinnamon french toast and some of the best pizza ever!!). So we tacked on some extra days upon returning home, and yesterday we hit the finish line.
I cannot say enough good things about this way of eating, and we both plan to continue. Both of us lost  weight, but the better result was the increased energy. Usually around 3:00pm I would always feel exhausted, lethargic, and wanted nothing more than to plant myself on the couch. This feeling would generally last until bedtime. I could just never seem to rustle up the energy to do anything in the evening. Not so on whole30. Plus, getting out of bed wasn't a chore every single morning. I honestly wouldn't have believed it myself, but it did actually work. And I'm excited to have it continue to work and help me get my body back to a healthy weight.

This was one of my 100/1001 goals. So yay me for completing it. Here are some more I've accomplished thus far:

Me with the goods
- Drink from a coconut (did not taste how I expected! next time I want to crack one open right off the tree in a tropical location)

- Make a stuffed animal (such a foreign experience for me, but a fun way to spend a Saturday afternoon)

- Visit a famous landmark I haven't seen before (when my hubby and I were in Texas, we visited The Sixth Floor Museum and Dealey Plaza in Dallas where JFK was shot)
Dealey Plaza, Dallas, TX

- Hide a note inside a library book (I should have said hide an "encouraging" note lol, completed Feb. 4, 2014)

- Fix something with super glue (yeah, okay, I only added this one because I had some figurines that needed fixing and I kept putting it off, not anymore!)

Tuesday, 21 January 2014

101 goals in 1001 days

Recently, a friend of mine introduced me to the Day Zero project. The idea is to make a list of 101 goals that you want to complete in 1001 days. They can be big or small, simple or outlandish. The point is multifold: to try new things, push yourself, accomplish goals and celebrate your successes.

So, on November 25, 2013 I made a list, posted it to the Day Zero website, and have until August 22, 2016 to complete everything. To date I have completed 9, and am in the process of completing many others. For example, one goal is to write in my blog at least once every month for a year. With this post I will be 3 months down and 9 to go. Here are the other goals I have thus far accomplished:

- Write a list of 25 things I love about my hubby (gave it to him on Dec. 4, 2013 and he loved it!)

- Watch a movie that came out the year I was born (not gonna tell you which one, that'll give away my age)

- Reach 2,000 cache finds (completed this with my sister in the dead of winter, unforgettable)
Stepson watching our cookies bake

- Make ice cream from scratch (thank you Sullys Hill Nature Preserve who just miraculously happened to have an ice cream making activity the day we were there)

- Bake cookies with my stepson (completed on Dec. 28, 2013 and it has now become a Xmas tradition)

- Write a list of 100 things that make me happy (this was much harder than I thought it was going to be!)

- Send a postcard (completed on Jan. 19, 2014, sent to my besties in South Korea)

- Interview someone I admire (did it for work, but meeting the Northend MC was always a secret wish of mine anyway, he's one of the coolest people ever!)

- Open a cookbook to a random page and make whatever's on it (so I picked a super easy cookbook, the Shrimp Chowder was still awesome)

Shrimp Chowder
And there you have it. As you can see, some are easy, some are more difficult, but it's been so fabulous to have a focus and plan for 2014 and beyond. Watch for more posts as I complete more of my 101/1000. :)