Wednesday, 29 October 2014

Racing to the Finish!

So this blog didn't exactly turn out how I envisioned. Originally I wanted it to be a place where I discussed First Nations issues. But since I do that every day at work, I think that goal kind of fell by the wayside. The blog did kind of morph into a 101/1001 update page. But I didn't even keep up with that consistently. I guess, maybe, I'm just not meant to be a blog writer. Yet, I do want to finish the goal of "writing in my blog at least once a month for a year." And thankfully that will be accomplished with this post. Hooray!!! LOL I accomplished something.

I probably won't write much more on the Docs & Moccs page. Yet I DO hope to eventually find a blog topic that I can be passionate enough about to keep writing about it. Work and school take up so much of my writing time at the moment, that I don't quite know if that's possible.

However, I did accomplish another goal this month that I want to brag about - I ran a 5k race! This is huge for me because I have so many negative voices in my head telling me I am too much of a failure to do a thing like that…but I did it! So to negativity I say, "SUCK IT!" I did it. And I have the Finisher Medal to prove it. I guess if I can impart anything to any reader of this page it would be to never believe that you can't do something, because you CAN!! xo
WFPS Finisher Medal! :) 

Wednesday, 8 October 2014

2 More Months!

In order to complete my 101/1001 dayzero goal of writing in my blog every month for a year, I must write two this month (since I missed Sept.).
I guess it's kind of a cop out/cheat?, but I do want to complete the goal. Therefore, for the first of two posts in Oct. I'm going to share some photos. I'm trying to finish an album entitled, 104 Things to Photograph. This is what the album looks like - spread and cover:
There is a HUGE variety of topics such as: what's in your pocket, a vacant lot, a flock of birds, shoelaces tied together, half full, a reflection etc. etc.
It's been quite a fun project to work on and, to date, I have completed 69 "things." For this second to last yearly blog post, which was supposed to be published in September!, I thought I'd share a few of my 104 album photos. Hope you enjoy.



"A yellow traffic light" (five in a row here)

"Messy wires"

"A winner" (or, "Winners" - the Wpg Jets)

"Neon sign" (Sagkeeng First Nation)